The determination of its jurisdiction is the precondition for international tribunals to resolve international disputes. 国际裁判法庭的管辖权是否具有溯及力,是个复杂的问题。
The determination of CIETAC shall be conclusively binding upon the Parties and shall be enforceable in any court of competent jurisdiction. 仲裁裁决对各方具有最终约束效力,能够在具有管辖权的任何法院执行。
Practically, characterization has not only applied to application of law, but also determination of jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement of judgment. 从实践形态来看,识别不仅存在于法律适用过程中,而且在管辖权确定中以及判决的承认与执行中,同样也有其生存空间。
The determination by a court of competent jurisdiction on matters submitted to it. 根据提交给他的事件由一个有能力的法庭做出判断。
The work of measurement examination and determination shall be conducted on the principle of economy, rationality and geographical proximity, and it should not be restricted by administrative divisions and departmental jurisdiction. 计量检定工作应当符合经济合理、就地就近的原则,不受行政区划和部门管辖的限制。
A Research on the Determination of the Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction in the Internet On the System of Civil and Commercial Jurisdiction over Foreign Matters of Japan 国际互联网民商事管辖权确定之研究日本涉外民商事管辖权制度初探
The determination of jurisdiction, as the first step of internet infringement lawsuit, is therefore the initial problem to be solved as well as one of the core issues. 作为网络侵权诉讼的第一步,确定管辖权问题就成了网络侵权司法保护的首要问题,也是关键问题之一。
Originated in England, it has gradually developed into an important system in Anglo American private international law profoundly affecting the determination of international jurisdiction. 它起源于英格兰,后来逐渐发展成为英美国际私法上影响法院行使国际管辖权的一项重要制度。
The court seized of the concerned cases has to face two fundamental problems: the determination of jurisdiction and the choice of applicable law. 法院在审理跨国版权诉讼的过程中,首先要解决的两个基本问题是管辖权和准据法的选择。
Determination of Special Jurisdiction over Network Infringement Disputes 网络侵权纠纷特别管辖权的确定
The correct determination of the applicable law of contracts is the key to effectively resolving conflicts of law arising from international loans. The confirmation of the applicable law should commonly follow the doctrine of party autonomy and the principle of the decision of court with jurisdiction. 正确确定合同准据法是有效解决国际借款合同法律冲突的关键,准据法的确定一般应遵循当事人意思自治原则和有管辖权的法院确认原则。
In the international maritime procedure, the determination of jurisdiction is a controversial question for a long time. 在国际海事诉讼中,有关管辖地的确定是一个争议已久的问题。
As a critical prerequisite of the settlement of international civil disputes through international civil proceedings, the determination of international civil jurisdiction is the first step. 通过诉讼解决国际民商事争议时,首先必须确定法院的管辖权。
On the problem of states engaging in tortuous acts, the author mainly studies the determination of tortuous acts and the elements of exercising of jurisdiction over state tortuous acts. 第二个主要例外国家从事侵权行为是近年来国际法理论和实践中最具争议的问题之一。作者重点研究了侵权行为的认定对国家侵权行为行使管辖权的要件。
It is expected, from entity to procedures, to establish a favorable relationship mechanism for criminal identification and administrative determination in financial and securities crimes, thus enhancing the independence and authority of jurisdiction. 以期从实体到程序的角度来确立金融证券犯罪刑事认定与行政认定的良性关系机制,从而确立司法权的独立性与权威性。
When such contract occur disputes, the determination of the jurisdiction of the court becomes a difficult problem in current e-commerce practice. 合同作为双方协商合意的民事法律行为,难免出现纠纷。当电子商务合同面临纠纷时,其管辖法院的确定就成为当前电子商务实践中的一大难题。
The determination of jurisdiction of cyber crime brought great impact to traditional theory on jurisdiction, the conflict of transnational criminal jurisdiction on cyber crime has become more serious. 网络犯罪的管辖权的确定给传统的刑法管辖权理论带来了极大的冲击,跨国网络犯罪刑事管辖权的冲突日益严重。
The determination of district jurisdiction is undoubtedly the first, and also the most direct, problem arising from the unbounded space of network. 其中,最先也是最直接与网络无界性接触并产生问题的是地域管辖的确定。